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Create and configure the client scripts

To run the ABAP program subroutines requires a button in the user interface that is created by scripts on the client PCs. You can deploy these settings either manually or with administrative tools. The following task describes how to configure the settings manually.

To create and configure the client scripts:

  1. Create a plain text file for each SAP program with the names listed in the following table. Enter the following text in each file.

    Pushbutton (toolbar) “@OX@Show Documentation“ ZZ01
  2. On each client PC, place a copy of each file in the folder that is configured in the Synactive GuiXT file GUIxt.ext.
  3. In SAP, open Synactive GuiXT.
  4. In Synactive GuiXT, edit the user’s profile and enter the path to the scripts from step 2.
Script file names
Program File Name
Functional Location
Work Order