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Uploading files

A system administrator might have configured your system to allow you to upload files to the Meridian Enterprise vault that are related to tags in the maintenance management system. When the files are uploaded, they are automatically linked to the selected tag. You can know whether the configuration has been done by an Upload button available in the toolbar on the Related Documents page.

Note    If the file already exists in the vault, it will be uploaded with the name like <OriginalFileName> (1).

To upload files to the Meridian Enterprise vault:

  1. On any view page, select the tag in the results list that you want to upload files for.
  2. In the results pane toolbar, click Upload. The Add Document/Select Files dialog box appears.
  3. Click Add, select a file to upload, and click Open. The file name is added to the file list. Select a file and click Remove to remove it from the list.
  4. Repeat step 3 to select all of the files you want to upload and then click Next. The Progress dialog box appears while the files are uploaded, showing the results.